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World Bromeliad Conference 2018 San Diego May 29 - June 3

A friend of mine in the San Francisco area told me about this conference, and I have made plans to go to San Diego for this. He will fly to Los Angeles to meet me, and then we will drive down together. They will have some tours, and I am considering one of them, but it costs $60 per person, and so I have to see whether it will be worth it. Also, they will be having some sales. My friend is an orchid grower, and he sells orchids that he grows, but he also grows bromeliads and epiphyllum. I think there will be an epiphyllum sale as well, and we will also visit some orchid nurseries in San Diego. This is the same friend that I went to Brazil with.

I'll post photos when I get back.

If you are in southern California, you might want to go to San Diego for his, but most hotels are already booked. I was lucky to find one two blocks from Balboa Park, but the hotel on Paradise Cove still has rooms, and that's where the conference will be.

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