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Gray and green - which one for cabinets/ walls?

6 years ago

I thought I had my kitchen colour scheme all sorted, but I've ended up revisiting the cabinet colour after a previous post. I was originally going to do SW Mindful Gray cabinets (colour card on tile below - tile is the only thing that's fixed at the moment), but I'm thinking that green will complement the tile better (I'm liking the greens in the pics below). Question:

1. Should I do gray on the cabinets and green on the walls? This would provide a nice contrast with the white on the window frames, etc. But I can't find pictures of grey cabs with green walls that aren't hideous - the cabinets that look nice are all cream. Is there a shade of gray that goes with some shade of green?

2. Do green cabinets and leave the walls white? Any green paint recommendations?

Backsplash and counter will be white quartz of some sort with white herringbone.

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