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Choosing some roses in Australia - help!

6 years ago

Hi all,

I'm in the lucky position of setting up a new rose garden in Melbourne, Australia. My beds are empty and I'm after some advice:

1. For my front garden (north-facing) I'd like to plant 6 90cm standard roses. I'll arrange them in two staggered rows of three. I love Brass Band - these will form one row. But what would you suggest for the second row? My main desirable characteristics are constant, repeat, numerous blooms. Plus 'matching' Brass Band. I'd love Hannah Gordon, but can't seem to find it for sale anywhere as a 90cm standard. Potential candidates include: Sexy Rexy, My Hero, Belle Parfume, Summer Romance, Thank You rose (Transplant Aus.), Peach Profusion (too similar to Brass Band?). Gold Bunny and Friesia were on the list, but I saw them at the Mornington Rose Gardens and was rather underwhelmed.

2. For my back garden I've got two beds to fill. Four roses per bed. One bed gets more sunlight than the other (6hrs vs 8hrs). I'd like your opinion on the roses I've selected (health?, 'better' ones to swap in place) and which might do better in the bed with more sun. My selection is based on seeking a range of colours with an emphasis on fragrance:

- Just Joey (for sentimental reasons, a definite)

- Pope John Paul II

- Dark Desire

- Dame Elizabeth Murdoch

- In Appreciation (open to any bright pink alternatives)

- Sunny Sky (one of the few scented yellow hybrid teas I could find - open to suggestions here!)

- Mr Lincoln (too similar to Dark Desire? Camp David better?)

- Fragrant Plum

Plus a Pierre De Ronsard climber on the 'sunnier bed' fence.

Any opinions or advice would be very, very much appreciated.


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