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Shrub ID? looks like boxwood with grape-scented flowers

Dan H z8b SA, TX
6 years ago

The subject of Boxwood came up in the Reading catalogs during inclement weather thread which gave me hope someone can help ID this shrub. I walked past it every week for years. Then all of a sudden once in late winter it had a nice strong floral grape fragrance, that only lasted a week. It had no odors the rest of the year. The aroma seemed to come from the white parts (name?) in the last picture. I checked it more often the next year and it happened again for about a week.

My closest guess is boxwood, but haven't found reference to any boxwood with a pleasant grape odor for a very brief period in late Feb or early March. It was 5 ft tall & got periodic pruning.

If if doesn't look like a boxwood, that would help me (& my untrained eye) too. I'm interested both in grape scent & plants with aroma during the cold months.

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