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Decor on a Shoestring: Thread #3-share your recent finds

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Hello! Can't find the previous thread lol-and anyway that got too long, so time for a new one.

so let's continue, shall we?

I for example stumble upon great many finds almost each day, so it's pity not to share these.

As of now I can't dowload pics, so I'll go with links. But you're warmly invited to include pictures, and links, and whatever you want. Here's also good place to let know of sales that make you excited, and that you think others might benefit from knowing about these too.

Comments (270)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Well...I don't consider them to be family room type chairs, but we're slouchers....so for us it wouldn't work.

    And for dining chairs they would be great, but you want 10 and that's 200 just for the chairs.

    Nothing wrong with offering half that for 10 though. He may want them gone. I usually just leave the offer on the table and walk away in instances like that. Sometimes it works. If not, nothing lost. I still think you can do better, though.

    But no for a family room...jmho.

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    all those thoughts, plus where would the other 2 go? i don't want to lose those.

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun
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    No, but I think we used too much water to start with. My husband, genius that he might be, went dense when he decided that the hose would be quicker than a spray bottle. Winded up soaking the tree even with the mist attachment on. When we went to flock, the tree was soaked but we still misted the flock to activate it. Next day, the tree was still wet. Think it took a week to dry. But, between the ornaments and flock, it's bent out of shape. Here's two pics I just took. It's been flocked since 12/3.
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  • 6 years ago

    Okay, points taken. I listen! :) They would not be good for dining chairs bc the arms are just too high. He even said they can't use them for events bc they don't push in to a table. I did originally have them in mind for that but also thought they could go in the FR if I move the Ming chairs out.

    I would move the Ming chairs to the main living room with the brown leather sectional.

    Here are my inspiration pics for chairs in the FR.

    HIBISCUS HILL - THE GUEST HOUSE GALLERY - guesthouse 9.jpg · More Info

    Southampton Armchair | Williams Sonoma · More Info

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    Yes...go with something a bit more comfy for your family room.

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    A recent find combined with a few older finds: I have a pantry in a hallway off my smallish dining room. Needed more storage for table linens and seldom used party/entertainment supplies. Found this ikea pine dresser for $30 at my local thrift store. The dresser drawers are the perfect size for what I need and the draws work very well. Was thinking about painting it because I didn't like all the pine knots. Then remembered some 70s framed fabric butterflies I

    photos · More Info

    picked years ago at a shift shop, and thought the butterflies played well with the wood knots. Everything you see on the dresser came from a thrift store. Total cost of it all is about $50. Nothing more fun than putting together bargain finds!

    aprilneverends thanked teeda
  • 6 years ago

    I love this, teeda! Proof that a great look doesn't have to cost a lot. You just need to be flexible in your thinking.

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    That looks in great condition for $30! good find! And I think that's a good looking combo you made. The knotty spots sort of mimic the butterflies spots! And the blue stripe on the pottery coordinates with the blue butterfly.

    Good job! and I love the price tag of it all ;)

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    It looks great teeda. Very warm ..I love the bowls

    justwantapool I love this style you're going for so so much..unfortunately DH doesn't love it for inside the house, or I'd bring it in long time ago

    We did buy amazing vintage patio furniture in a bit similar style-completely refurbished-actually it's inside/outside set, but it really should go in a covered space..and we underestimated how long the remodel woud take, and it started raining..in short I put it on Craigslist to sell it to save this amazing set, and it was gone in an hour. I was very sad to let it go but happy that it found a very nice home, since the lady was going to use it in her living room. The guy who upholstered it chose this tropical fabric with birds of paradize flowers, and made the covers removable, and all. Such a great seller. I saved his contacts; he sells on local flea markets too.

    sorry about my rambling; I still miss that set:)

  • 6 years ago
    April, my husband questions some of the look being indoors too. But I let him help pick out some furniture and decor items when we moved into our last house and let me say, neither of us have been impressed haha.

    So now I just make all the decisions. I do try to make sure stuff is comfortable for him and if he really dislikes something I pass on it. But for the most part I kind of don’t care lol :)

    I wish I’d known British Colonial was a style many years ago. I never knew! Just last year or so I figured it out finally after many google searches for tropical style. And even though it’s a trend right now, I’m ok with it bc it has made it soooo much easier for me to find things I like and can afford!
    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago
  • 6 years ago

    That is...something! :)

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    they also have a similar concept chaise and bench, in that sale

    but sofa striked me the most))

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I love that sofa. It's totally my style. I wish I was in Blue Ash, OH. It will be interesting to see how much it sells for.

    aprilneverends thanked ilikefriday
  • 6 years ago

    I also often wish I was there. Somehow their best auctions are there. They started their website in the area I guess, then it grew like crazy to include more and more states.

    It's not that I check there often 'cause it's easy to get hooked and spiral endlessly(I did buy several things..when I was able to win lol)..but lately I don't see any auctions around me at all, much less furniture ones.

  • 6 years ago

    I never see any near me either, and shipping is always like $500 or something absurd. I want good deals near me!

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    that's why all my finds from them are smaller art of different kinds.

  • 6 years ago

    speaking of, I ended up buying that white table and chairs I originally liked a couple months ago. They dropped it to $100. I'm going to probably paint it with a high gloss but keep the white.

    I've listed the rattan set on Nextdoor and need to post it on CL. It just really took over my space and I didn't like it.

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    wow these are cool

  • 6 years ago

    thanks! I wish I had just bought them originally. Instead of driving 2 hours for that rattan set. It was just too big and overpowering in my space. You couldn't even see my new kitchen over them. Plus they were confusing me as to what bars tools to pick out.

    This set just blends in much better. One of the chairs has a crack in the back caning but I'm going to glue it together and not worry too much. I'd like to look into lacquer paint-I've never used it before. Otherwise I'll probably just use a high gloss. My girls make a mess and this flat paint isn't going to stand up to their food and play doh stains haha.

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    it does blend in much better. quite fabulous, really

  • 6 years ago

    That does look better, pool.

    Can you show us a close up of the crack? We're pretty crafty...

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    oh yes, penny! I will take a pic tonight.

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    ok, yes, i adore these and they look perfect with what you like. what color are you going to paint have you thought of red? still goes great with blue, now I am so glad, i had thought i lost this thread. there is one thread, pretty snarky one, keeps vanishing, yet it always has lots of comments. all i want to do is say how nice our good pros are.

    this spot was dropped in my lap, and not only do i really dig a lot of the items, they are also affordable.

    All Room Décor – The Jungalow · More Info
    very boho. called junglelow.

    looking for cool things for the grand. any ideas for a 3 year old boy?

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun
  • aprilneverends thanked havingfun
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Havingfun - I checked out that website, jungalow.com. I love just about every single item on that site. TY! Once I finally get around to decorating my master bedroom I want it to have a boho vibe. I have been slowly collecting items and gathering ideas. I saw a quilt on jungalow.com that I really like. I think I will bite the bullet and purchase it. I also saw your thread yesterday. I voted for liking it. I think instead of making it a dining room, I would keep the walls and rug and add a black chesterfield sofa and make it a living room.

    aprilneverends thanked ilikefriday
  • 6 years ago

    Yes, Jungalow is a great site and she has a fun blog...

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    Havingfun - After I made the above comment I did a Google image search for the quilt I mentioned in a size king. The first thing that popped up was the exact same quilt at Target for $30 cheaper. Just a fyi in case you decide to purchase something from them.

    aprilneverends thanked ilikefriday
  • 6 years ago

    Penny - I just made the connection. You posted a link to her blog on my Do any of you have black or very dark painted rooms - Update post.

    aprilneverends thanked ilikefriday
  • 6 years ago

    I like all of her website.

    Completely to do with absolutely nothing..but interesting looking at the two ads next to each other. I've always said that I was never swayed by marketing, but maybe I am just a bit. Not to say I would let any marketing override my budget constraints, but my reaction is interesting, nonetheless.

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    True Penny, bc that quilt looks soooo much nicer and more fun in the Jungalow ad!

    Friday, that was smart to google it. Sometimes I just assume items are exclusive to the company I find them at, but this is a good reminder. Yet, like Penny, I still like it better from Jungalow haha

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    Penny - Yes, it looks a lot more appealing on Jungalow' website. Takes much more vision when viewing on target.com

    aprilneverends thanked ilikefriday
  • 6 years ago

    Man, I am also loving that website. I have to be careful with the boho stuff though, bc I love it in small doses, but don't want a whole room of it. Some of the art is pretty amazing. I love the folk art type stuff.

    Havingfun, I don't think I want to paint my table and chairs red. Right now I'm leaning to keeping it white. Or I may keep the chairs white and paint the table blue to match my island, maybe use the same color at 50-75% so it's not exact. Then cover the seats with a printed fabric with some blues & greens. I'm pretty sure I want to do mostly blue & green, with maybe a coral or blush thrown in somewhere. My last house had a bold red color on the main living room walls so I'm staying away from that.

    I wrote out a comment last night about the cracked chair and then my phone was a jerk. So here are the pics again. The main side posts are fine, but the middle decorative caning part has the crack across the whole part.

    I'm thinking of starting with Gorilla glue since it expands. That could help connect the pieces together. Maybe before I paint it I could find some kind of tape or something to wrap around the crack to hold it together. I'm open to ideas!


    Back after sitting in it.

    Back after I push it together

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    I'm going to think on this, but my initial thoughts would be no to an expanding glue. The parts should be tight and that's do-able with strapping or rope that you wrap around the top and seat, tourniquet style.

    In the meantime, try posting this over in the woodworking section...

    Are you able to separate the two areas away from each other so that the wood areas completely clear each other, or just wiggle it enough to squeeze glue in there?

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    (whoever likes Justina Blakeney and her website-I highly recommend her book. She has two; second, I didn't read, since it'd be lost on me-it's dedicated to DIY. First one showcases amazing bohemian homes that are leaning different styles within bohemian umbrella..modern, earthy, maximalist, and many more)

  • 6 years ago

    penny, I can sort of slide the sections apart but not really pull them apart. You know. And it seems hard to squeeze them together so they are tight against each other, hence why I was thinking of that glue to help span the void.

    I will check out the woodworking section, thanks. Didn't know there was one!

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    i would pull the caning, they sell it in sections now. i would glue the bamboo well, maybe use some toothpicks or something like it. you know, like they use biscuits with putting together wood furniture, it gets the glue further into the bamboo supports. then i would apply new caning or just reapply that if not damaged.

    yes, i especially love if they give you numbers or names, because they do not rename them. between target, walmart and amazon, you can get most things. but i agree sometimes you need to see it staged first. but if you were forced, the prices are still very reasonable. and it sure is fun to see.

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun
  • 6 years ago

    havingfun, that's similar to the one response I've gotten on the woodworking post. Although they didn't necessarily suggest replacing the caning, but I will look into that. They suggested removing the entire panel, drill a hole to insert small diameter dowel rod and using an epoxy to glue together.

    My main question about that is how to remove the whole decorative panel section. I need to somehow loosen the glue holding it into the side posts. Maybe just some water or heat gun would break it down.

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    That's what I thought they would say (my aunt had a similar repair)....but that would require taking apart the whole chair and destroying some of the good glued joints in the process.

    I guess it depends on how far you want to get into this...?

    I can tell you what I would do...I wouldn't be willing to take apart the chair. I would find the right glue (check the link above)...the BEST glue and use a syringe-type thing (maybe from the pharmacy department) but the kind with no needle. Like you use to give the kids liquid meds when they were tiny...

    Test the fit, first. There may be splinters of wood that are in the way of a tight fit so I would do the tourniquet clamp dry, first, to make sure you have as much wood to wood contact as you can. Then loosen it, squidge the glue in there and tighten with the tourniquet and wipe excess. (BTW, if you use rope, pad the contact points with rags so that the rope doesn't damage the wood/paint...)

    I would wait on the caning. It should (?) be somewhat flexible so you can glue that after you get the chair stabilized. And I would try to glue it before I tried to remove it. If you look, there are a few coats of paint that you would have to replicate so I would try to repair and camouflage first. We can talk about that when the wood is secure.

    Anyway...just what I would do and, yes, I have repaired chairs before. Dowels/biscuits are ideal, but only if you're willing to go that far.

    Sorry for the long-winded explanation! I don't know what you already know...

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    i would go to a professional antiques person or caner. when i had it done it cost only about $20. I am pretty sure that groove means it is not hand caned, but more modern. the reason i want to replace the caning is that you can not glue it, and it will tear at knits etc.

    how about we really diy the bamboo. take a drill and drill a small hole at an angle. stick your glue covered toothpick through that hole. sand down the parts that stick out. if possible, i would do a second one going in the opposite direction if you can.

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun
  • 6 years ago

    Yes...What about gluing it tight first, then drill at an angle and insert whatever is right...toothpicks would work or very thin dowels or skewers (I think they're bamboo, though and I don't think bamboo is particularly strong)

    Not sure the chair is actual bamboo. I think it's faux bamboo, but we'll see.

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    I agree with y'all to try and glue it first. I don't know about a big ordeal repair. I mean it was $100 for the set. You know? I'm not even committed to having it forever, either 3-5 years or until I find something I love more. I just hated what I originally had, then disliked the rattan. At least I LIKE this one haha.

    I don't think it's real, I'm pretty positive it's faux bamboo. I like the idea of gluing it all first, then trying to anchor the "bamboo" parts together. I will look more closely at how the caning is inserted and if that could be a semi-easy fix to replace when I paint it. Since I want to paint it anyway, it's okay if I need to scuff up the surface and maybe even apply wood filler/bondo or something to cover up some repairs.

    I'd rather look for a comparable chair to replace it than make a huge project out of it.

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    It's a plan...first research the strongest glue (link above but it doesn't cover all glues...) and, as I said, I wouldn't use expanding.

    Then youtube tourniquet clamp. Basically ropes would go around the parts you want to squeeze together--in your chairs is would be the very top rail down to the bit above where you sit...anyway lasso rope around that tie a knot and then tie a what-have-you (I usually use a hammer) to the knot with another knot. Then you're going to twist the hammer round and round...you'll see the cracked/broken area tighten so make sure your rope is strong...Also, put the knot/hammer near the seat because after gluing you don't want to have to stand there and hold the hammer. So you'll need something heavy to rest on the hammer to keep it from twisting undone...

    Let it sit until dry and then some. Don't forget to let it cure, too for a week or so (personally I would keep the clamp on it for a week).

    Let us know how it goes!

    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    otherwise i would glue and put a nice pad to the side for fuzzy child. noone will want to sit in it. but it still matches.

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun
  • 6 years ago

    So I tried doing some google searches for chair with caning and faux bamboo and look what I found. These look just like mine! I'm going to keep looking in case I can just find a replacement.


    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago

    (Anthropologie has 40% off sale.)

  • 6 years ago

    ooh fun!

    aprilneverends thanked justcallmepool
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    if I only knew..it was 25% off sale before and I bought something I really wanted for a long time (not needed. but wanted) being sure it's the best I can do and it will get sold out etc

    well it's still available. lol. or was in the morning..

  • 6 years ago

    April, sometimes you can get a price adjustment. They usually agree to stop you from returning and re-buying.

    I love their stuff, but even on sale, I can't afford much.


    aprilneverends thanked User
  • 6 years ago

    i found a dr. who sonic screw driver. whoop whoop!

    aprilneverends thanked havingfun