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...Anybody Here??

Hey I haven't been here in a long time, thought I'd pop in and see what y'all are up to and.... looks like you're all off doing other things!!
Anybody interested in reviving this thing?
We are hardly workin' here in NE OK, had a terrible garden year. Not enough rain. I hate to think this might be the norm now. It didn't used to be like that. My parents, and Hubs' parents, had big gardens and hardly ever needed to water. Hubs' parents lived very near to where we live now, so they gardened on top of limestone shelves, and fed a family of 12 children without any public assistance. If I had to keep us alive with my garden, we'd be long dead by now.
I am looking ahead to next garden year, it'll be time to start seedlings indoors next month, and I'm taking a Master Gardener course, which I hope will be interesting and helpful. Hope all of you are doing ok. -- Ilene

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