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Medinilla Magnifica problems

6 years ago

Hi, I've recently moved into a new house and I've brought my medinilla with me. It used to be in a bright room but due to unpacking etc it's not had enough light or misting. I've now moved it into a bright location as it's winter and it's gets listed at least once a day. I water it when the pot feels light and the top feels dry. My leaves had started curling which I assume was due to poor lighting and not enough misting. However in between moving I've got these new shiny brown dots appearing all over and the baby growth I did have has died. The baby growth I assume died due to lack of light and misting but is there anything I can do about these spots or will my plants die. Few brown edges on leaves but I'm hoping this will be fixed now it's getting proper care. If anyone knows could they advise on best steps. Thanks!!
