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Thanksgiving cactus questions

Sage TX 9a
6 years ago

I have a cutting of my grandmother's Thanksgiving cactus that I took on Wednesday after her funeral. It lay flat in a padded laptop sleeve on the flights back, so I think it's in good shape to root, but I've seen conflicting info on how long to let it callus before rooting -- hours to a week -- and I don't know whether to pot it up today or wait longer.

Also, rooting media. Can I root it in the reptibark-perlite-potting mix blend I use for my tropicals? (It has a skoosh more soil in it than strict 5-1-1, but it works well for my growing conditions.) Or should I do a perlite-potting mix blend while it's rooting (at what ratio?) and then transplant later? Or do I need to go get a bag of AV mix?

And please correct me if I'm wrong: I'm under the impression that it will do well in the same light conditions as my Jade (crassula ovata). Is that right? (In case it matters, it's 80F today, with a cold front dropping highs into the upper 60s, low 70s this week. Still not what you'd call "Fall", but at least it's out of the 90s finally.) Many thanks for your help!

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