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A Great One Passes Over

My gardening buddy Yardley passed over the Rainbow Bridge today. Although he was given only 2 months to live with colon cancer, by the grace of God, he stayed on patrol over 2 1/2 years longer. My Vet who knew him well had me write a short eulogy for him. This is it below......

Yardley was the best cat at being a cat I've ever owned. He did his job of keeping the vermin and stray cats away, all the while being as sweet as honey and smart as a whip. I've never had one like him before and most likely never will again. He caught the express to Heaven and is now with my beloved Bonita. They played together here on earth and will make good company for each other until mama comes up to join them.. He was my little boy.


Bonita and Yardley together:

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