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Reccommendation for short bedding perrennials for deep south (N FL)?

Most desired colors: Yellow, very pale yellow, blue (bed is a yellow & blue and light yellow-orange palette but I already have a lot of yellow-orange in the middle)

Was curious if anyone had any recommendations. These would need to be shorter than my supposed dwarf mounding lantanas (moved all but the two at the edges) and not any taller than my Echinaceas (Cheyenne Spirit seed strain which I'm hoping get taller).

Also need to be able to take HEAT and be somewhat attractive to pollinators. The area is well-drained and full sun with a brief shade period around 3 pm that ends around 4 pm.

I was thinking blanketflower cultivars but those are short-lived and probably not true to seed (I reliably get the 'fanfare' tubular type from some wild collected seeds but most cultivars seem to be hybrids so I think those revert). I also was considering Evolvus 'Blue My Mind' since I have an old one I could divide but I don't like the silvery tinge to the leaves with the foliage of the Rising Sun redbud.

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