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Re potting and taking cuttings

6 years ago

Will doing these things kill the new growth?

First question... I have a pot with 2 hoya bordenii growing in it. Well, 2 were growing but one plant has died. I'd like to remove the dead one and put another one in it's place but the remaining plant is actively growing and has new leaves coming in. Will messing around with it cause it to lose it's nice new growth?

Second question, My KQ is basically one long vine with off shoots and I want to take cuttings to add to the pot to give it a bit more fullness. It is also putting out new leaves and growth. If I cut a vine into pieces to make several cuttings what do I do with the growing end/tip? Do I cut it off back to more mature stem or leave it? If I leave it, will it keep growing or die off? There is a good foot of new growing vine and I'd hate to lose it.

Hope I explained that correctly?

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