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Water Usage in So. Calif. - Oh, The Irony

Many people here are probably aware that we had a five-year-drought recently. Pretty scary toward the end, with everyone exhorted to use as little water as possible. The Sierra snow pack that we depended on toward the end consisted mostly of dried grass. So we used as little water as possible, and then received a notice from our water company that rates would have to be raised because the money that was taken in was not adequate for the upkeep of the water delivery system, old pipes needed to be replaced, etc. Then came the long-awaited El Nino and it rained buckets, and the Sierra snow pack was huge and bountiful, and southern California crammed water into every reservoir to overflowing. This is good, no? Well, no, because recently we were informed that not enough water was being used and the water was getting "old". Who knew it had a limited shelf life? So tonight I had all the drip systems on and stood there watering by hand, dousing myself along with the plants because after dark it was still 90 degrees with not a breath of air. The next water bill should be interesting. This winter is projected to be dry, and who knows how many dry winters will come afterwards with global warming now in full swing? We'll either have water that is not usable or again not much water at all. Either way it will probably be increasingly expensive.

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