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Is this worth a shot, or a bad idea

Streisand Fan
6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a rosebush in my garden that originally started as part of a bouquet of florist roses that I managed to root. For the first several years, it did reasonably well, but was never massive. It has grown to be one of my favorites because it produces the most fabulous melon colored roses that last a very long time.. Right now its alive, but not really thriving which is a shame..

My thought was that if maybe I took a cutting of it, I could graft it onto a rootstock that would be much more vigorous. I've never done grafting and I don't really know where I would obtain rootstock. I'm in zone 5B so I suppose Dr. Huey would be the right one. I've had this bush for about 5 years so I know that it can tolerate the winters.

Does this sound like something that could be possible, or even worth doing. I hate the idea of dumping this rose because it's just soooooo pretty:)

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