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Kate, Has this happened to you?

6 years ago

Our climates are similar, and about five years ago my neighbor gave me a lot of zinnia seeds, which I planted in a long strip. The birds and butterflies loved was the only time I ever had a lot of Goldfinches in the yard. Even the hummingbirds liked them.

Ever since then, I have volunteer zinnias that come up all over the yard. This is in back

This one is blurry, but in front of the greenhouse:

There are a lot of colors...purples


You can see man different reds, and even white:
Because of the zinnias, I have flying "flowers" everywhere .Painted Ladies and Gulf Fritillaries in abundance, a good many Sulfurs and Pipevie Swallowtails and the Black and yellow Giants on occasion. Love seeing them....I really should collect seeds and plant the long row out back again. But this is the daylily forum and I have some new reblooms to show

Rocker Booster:


Laura Hawood at midday:

Like an Energizer bunny, Mom's Cinnamon Rolls goes on and on:

Filled to Overflowing:

I will save the rest for another day. I keep finding more rebloom scapes. Here I am wanting to rework he garden and they keep blooming. I did get some more weeding, and twelve more cubic feet of mulch out today. dug up and discarded one daylily. I did some grooming of the plants I weeded around and mulched, so it is looking a bit better. I will take photos of that area soon. I have a couple of tiny fans soaking and will be planting and babying them along but I had hunted that one for a while. Five still in pots. It is more about the journey than the destination anyway,


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