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Need your input on Kordes roses

Sara-Ann Z6B OK
6 years ago

My Kordes roses are doing so good this year that I want to know all about the ones I don't yet have. I am so pleased with the overall health of everyone that I planted this spring plus my established Poseidon and Beverly

Savannah (own root) - The blooms have been on the small side, but they are pretty and every time it's re-bloomed the fragrance is better

Dark Desire (own root) - Both of them are healthy and are beginning they're third flush after getting a slow start

Zaide - Hasn't bloomed a lot, but the blooms are lovely, and the bush is growing and healthy

Winter Sun, Summer Romance, Plum Perfect, MEMOIRE, and Sweet Beauty are all in pots and have been really healthy, along with Zaide, they are on multiflora. I think I need to get Summer Romance in the ground, it has gotten rather large.

This is a picture of Sweet Beauty, beginning its second flush, it got a really slow start, but has been doing great.

Plum Perfect is beginning its fourth flush, it's amazing!

I do want input about these and other Kordes roses. Please tell about the ones you recommend

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