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What causes split flowers & is there a remedy?

Having just viewed Dain's superb flower that has the same issue as one of mine, it's prompted me to ask.....What causes this flower splitting, does anyone have the answer?

My flowers are no way as exciting as Dains though!

One of my plants, the pale lemon yellow one is doing this again this year. Seems like it's only on certain branches though....any thoughts?

Is it a virus, lack of something specific, will it recover? It did the same last year. I'm reluctant to remove the branches that do this as I have so few plants, 8 in total, which aren't that big compared to many of yours here on the forum. I don't want to mess this plant up and am so grateful for any flowers my plants produce as many of you know I've been patiently waiting for years for them to bloom from my treasured seed grown efforts!

This batch of blooms are now on their way out, but these first two flowers clearly show these annoying splits, the third one is intact. Lots more buds to come, some do brown in the bud stage and drop prematurely though :-(

Thanks for looking in :-)


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