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Kitchen confessional ... I've never made ...

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

a pie crust from scratch. Or if I have, it was so long ago that time has erased the memory from my bank and I can't recall having ever done so. I want to make a homemade cherry pie (his favorite) for my dad for Father's Day, and I want to do it all from scratch, like his mother used to do. (Well, I'll use cherry pie filling. I'm not going to process fresh cherries, but my Grannie didn't either so I'm fine with that. ;-))

I know I watched Grannie make pies in my younger years, and I recall her rolling out dough, cutting it into lattice strips for the top -- it sounds daunting to me now. (As of this writing, I don't even own a rolling pin!) Does anyone have a tried-and-true pie crust recipe to share, and/or any pointers on how to successfully do this?

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