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Heat/Air conditioning recs for WI house

6 years ago

Any input appreciated. Live in 3200 sq ft home plus walk out basement (basement always cold) west of Milwaukee WI, two story, 1916 home many additions. Gas furnace. Recently added more attic insulation and sill (where accessible).

Heating bills are $300-500, ac in summer 200-250--this is with nobody home during day, furnace set low. Winter bills used to be $1000 with kids and elderly mother in home. Starting to replace windows for the second time in 35 years. Lots of windows, on a inland lake.

Duct system is mishmish with each addition, most of it now sealed up in finished walls. Is it worth tearing apart parts of house?

Air conditioning went out, checked furnace, has crack and need both. Looking for recs, thoughts on what to look for, etc. Been a long time since had to deal with this. Thank you and sorry for long post.

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