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California Invasive Species Action Week

California Invasive Species Action Week is wrapping up. Started by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, its purpose is to increase public awareness of invasive species that threaten our native flora and fauna, as well as inspire public participation to help fight these pernicious pests that have such a negative impact on our natural resources. If you ever have questions about invasive species – or want to check databases of what is invasive – go to Cal IPC . Please help spread the word that trading plants into CA could be disastrous for our environment and economy. Many here on Houzz continue to do it although it is against CA law (chatted about in another thread).

The California Native Plant Society has been doing a great job with their Facebook page in highlighting an invasive plant every day. Here are the links if you want to check them out.

Scotch Broom

Giant reed, Arundo donax.

Many invasives that destroy our native populations first came in as ornamental plants - tamarisk, also commonly known as saltcedar

Toadflax, Linaria vulgaris – pretty, but a destroyer

Cape Ivy

And, the bane of my area – Yellow Star Thistle

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