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is there a really good post on air layering that I can't find?


I have been searching for about an hour hoping to find perhaps the most complete/classic explanation of air layering, and I've found bits and pieces, which is great ... but does anyone know if there is a one-stop-shopping thread/post on this topic? I am probably using the wrong search terms.

In particular, I am curious to know how deeply to cut into the stem... how I will know if I have cut deeply enough (ie, what color is cambium and do I want to get rid of all of it?...) and how long a piece of the stem do I need to remove the bark/cadmium/? Then I gather I sprinkle on rooting hormone, wrap it in damp moss, plastic, and then foil?

I know there is also the option of doing banding/light elimination with electrical tape for 3 weeks first. (Or, is it "instead of?") Or, using a tourniquet. I would be interested to know which option or combo is most foolproof... even though I am not always as patient as I should be. But, I like Al's concept of plant time. (It is almost June and I am behind already on like 5 other plants ... but that's another topic.)

It is probably folly... but there is a Chrysler Imperial rose plant that shot off this long branch that is very straight and which seems to not be a sucker bc the flowers still smell good... and it's calling me. But I've never done this before.

All suggestions appreciated. Oh also, should this post go in Container Gardening instead?


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