online mattress company feedback and reviews pls
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago
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Online mattress co.: what to do if you're ripped off?
Comments (5)If you paid for with a Visa Card, you will have an easy solution to your problem. While most customers do not know this, you can reject a purchase made on your Visa card for any of the following reasons by doing a Chargeback on your card: * Visa REQUIRES a merchant to have your signature on the order. If you did not sign a purchase order that clearly states the terms of sale in print that is 1/4" or higher on the form, you will win the chargeback. * Visa REQUIRES the merchant to prove delivery not only to the cardholder's billing address, but also to the individual whose name is on the card. If they delivered to your spouse, or did not get your signature on it, the transaction can be cancelled. * Visa will allow you to cancel any sale where the goods were misrepresented. You do not even have to return the goods - it's the merchants duty to collect them up. Here is what happens when you begin a chargeback. The purchase price is immediately credited to your account and a dispute is opened. This is automatic. The merchant has those funds deducted from their account and receives notice along with a $ 35 chargeback fee. The Merchant then has 10 days to counter. If they do counter, then the funding is reversed once again and you will get a new charge on your account. You will then have to follow up with another letter describing why you feel your chargeback is justified. Now the funds are reversed AGAIN and taken from the merchant a second time. At this point, if the merchant chooses to respond a second time the case goes to review. In almost all instances the customer wins the dispute over the two signature and terms of sale agreement described above. Consult your Visa Card issuer for more details....See MoreAC direct experience? review? feedback?
Comments (5)While I regularly complain about the lack of consistently well trained HVAC techs, I can't imagine John Q. Homeowner doing the job well. Particularly doing A/C jobs well. I can't imagine the average homeowner having the tools and knowledge to properly install an A/C system and get it right. That website tends to gloss over what is required - but what do they care, they've sold the equipment....See MoreMattress Poll- reviews of recent mattress purchases
Comments (160)I need a firm mattress that won't get depressions in it for a good 10 years... I know that regular mattresses have springs. There's so many kinds... the spring ones the more the better? Then there's wrapped springs, horsehair beds, feather beds, memory foam, pillow topped mattresses, air coils... sooooooo many! I am so confused by every product and service these days. I remember back in the 70s (and older obviously) where you had a choice of Bell telephone and that was it! No cable packages to choose from and only three TV channels basically! It was so much better then. You didn't have to spend 20% of your life discussing and researching what to buy! I don't know what to do about a bed. I gotta get that, pick a headboard and a washer/dryer in the next two months and I'm just exhausted. Then I'll need the sheets which is another story. No mattress is the same depth and no sheet is made right and I want a very tight fitting sheet that won't come off at the corners. I detest wrinkles when sleeping; I am bothered by everything! LOL I'm going out this weekend to measure washers and dryers and I'll be trying on mattresses in the places I go that have both... I'm going to need a LOT of luck....See MoreGood, Bad & Ugly reviews for Online X-mas Shopping
Comments (53)My online shopping was all good: Kohl's, Best Buy, LL Bean, Land's End, Amazon and Ebay. I have my items sent to work as our neighborhood has sadly had things stolen from porches. There were some things I ordered late and they have not arrived yet - but I knew the dates were post-Christmas when I ordered. Only one is a semi-gift (a jacket for my husband who lost a lot of weight and needs one in a smaller size). The upside of those is that I'm shipping them to Son#1's place of work, as I won't be back to my own job for a couple of weeks. So we're going to meet him for dinner once he has both my orders. Katlan's rude checkout clerk reminded me of my rude clerk story from several years ago. I was buying Christmas ornaments to decorate a metal tree I'd gotten from a specialty store. The sum total was probably more than I'd spent for the tree itself. I was buying a couple of other things too. As the clerk was ringing the things up we realized that there was something wrong with one of the boxes I was buying. The clerk ended up being really rude about it. We finished the purchase with the plan that I would go way back to the seasonal section to get another box - even the cashier manager had come over to help because she heard the rude cashier. However, after starting to walk back to switch the boxes, instead I turned around and went over to customer service and told them I wanted to return everything. Everything?! Yes. I said that the clerk had been really rude and and that made me mentally step back and realize that I was overspending. Customer service wanted to know who the clerk had been, but I said that I understood that it's the stressful Christmas shopping season and I didn't want to point her out, but just wanted my money back. (I ended up getting the tree ornaments from Joanne Fabrics and used some JF Bucks I had to pay!) I guess a thank you to the rude clerk for helping me to spend less?...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 7 years ago
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