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Book of the Week

7 years ago

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Lessons from Tara : life advice from the world’s most brilliant dog
/ David Rosenfelt

Many people know David Rosenfelt from his mysteries, such as
that I reviewed a few weeks ago.
Lessons from Tara is about the dog rescue that he and his wife
Debbie run through their Tara Foundation, inspired by their love of Tara, their golden
retriever. The couple has a real
affection for dogs and have had as many as 42 of the animals in their home as
well as re-homing about 4,000 others. This
book is a very entertaining, quick read with lots of humor. The author doesn’t hesitate to poke fun at
himself and is often very humorous in describing the quirky personalities and
habits of the dogs he encounters. The
way in which the Rosenfelts deal with many canines, some of whom are troubled,
together with the sad moments that are inevitable with pet ownership, testifies
to their great dedication. I would
recommend this book in audio format as well since I enjoyed it greatly while
taking my walks. Although there is some
overlap with this book, Rosenfelt’s Dogtripping describes how they moved
25 dogs in 3 RVs from California to Maine. The well-being of dogs is altogether a labor
of love for David and Debbie Rosenfelt.


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