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New Large Raised Bed - Please help me plan it (Zone 5B)

7 years ago

The left side of our front lawn, has a smallish rock wall (built by me) running along it.

Near the house, the wall winds around a patch of ground which has been been fairly shady for quite a few years. Here's the view from the curb. The area circled in orange is the proposed bed area. House faces South-SouthEast and this area would get sun in the morning through mid afternoon.

We're planning on removing a few trees (see arrows), and keeping a wall /building again.

We're in New England and all we have below the surface is rock. I've fought the rock for 20 years now and am over it. Fortunately, DH has a Kubota tractor and my plan is to either:

1) Dig down a couple of feet and bringing in composted dirt to fill to soil level, and then rebuild the rock wall, or:

2) Build the wall (ha!), and fill to the top of the wall (possibly digging down a little as well). I'd love to have plants trailing over.

3) Omit wall, rework shape..?

The wall would be 18-24" tall x around 18" wide. Lots of 'smaller' rocks but we do have some large boulders which would figure prominently.

Here's a sketch - wall not to scale, but to give an idea of the space. Goal is to be able to plunk a plant in or move one, anywhere, whenever I wish, vs. with an hour of digging.

I really like the idea of option 2 but am wondering about our ability to deliver on a wall solid enough to retain the dirt. We have a neighbor who built gorgeous walls on his property and I know we could solicit assistance with the design/engineering from him.

Does a raised bed in this context make sense?

I'm planning a mix of Dahlias, peonies, zinnias, etc. - something like this color scheme, but will try to plan interest for all seasons. I've note that I'll need to remove all of these bulbs in the fall - something I haven't done before.

Your thoughts and suggestions very much appreciated.

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