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Save the New Dawn! Origin, reversion?

First, apologies for yet another New Dawn thread, but I thought a stripped-down one that focuses just on the reversion & source might be handy.

Seems like New Dawn is the gold-standard (IMHO) for a vigorous, monster rose with an impressive spring bloom and intermittent blooms through fall--perfect for an urban garden where a large plant has to perform multiple roles (including security detail!).

However, Dr. Van Fleet, the New Dawn's parent, is a great rose for a giant property where a spring flush is enough to earn its keep. All my googling has only revealed that lots of New Dawn reverts to Dr. Van Fleet, and it's hard to trace why. Are some nurseries more diligent than others? Is this just a natural risk of a sport?

Let's build a list of sources and outcomes, so we can save the New Dawn from dissolving into ambiguity!

- Have your New Dawn roses kept their season-long repeat bloom, or reverted to spring-only Dr. Van Fleets?

- Either way, where did you get them?

- if reverted, how long did that take? did you notice while it was happening?

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