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Would you be kind enough to provide input for a course I'm taking?

I'm taking an on-line course at the University of Guelph this winter - trying to keep from going brain-dead in the non-gardening season.... :-) The course is called : Fundamentals of the Role of Plants in Urban Sustainability

I'm not sure if it's going to be very interesting - but 'class discussion' (which takes place in a forum format much like this one) always provides another outlet for winter garden discussions. (I've taken 4 courses there over previous winters.) The first assignment (due Jan. 20) is looking for stories about people and plants. This forum seems to be a good place to find such stories :-) Here is what the part of the assignment where I'd appreciate your input says:

Your first step in this assignment is to venture forth and find someone to tell you a story about how a certain plant or group of plants has affected their life. This may be a story from an aunt or uncle who immigrated to another country and brought seeds of their favourite tomato plant with them. Or it might be your next-door neighbour who grows wonderful, prize-winning roses. Select someone with a passion for, or indeed against plants.

If you're kind enough to contribute a story, you could post it here or send me a message through this site. I'm sure there are interesting stories out there that we'd all enjoy reading.....

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