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It's a good time to apply beneficial predator nematodes to your soil!

Cori Ann - H0uzz violated my privacy
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

If you're into biological controls and/or permaculture... it's a good time to apply beneficial predator nematodes to your soil! All the little pests that are overwintering in the soil, hunkering down in the soil to stay warm, will come to life in the spring so it's a good time to get them now if you're in a milder climate like me in CA. Of course if your ground is frozen or covered in snow it wouldn't be a good time now, but once it thaws and melts.

Here, I tried the predator nematodes in the fall and it just wasn't a good time because it is SOOOO dry here. The soil needs to be moist in order for the predator nematodes to move. In the fall, I realized it's just impractical (maybe impossible) to water them in enough for them to be effective. You can read all about my experience here if you're interested:

But now, after the rains we have gotten lately, and with the pests overwintering in the soil, I have learned it's a great time!

So I'm trying them again, round 2. I bought mine from Nature's Control ( since they're on the west coast, closer to me than other places. Call them to talk, they're very helpful. They can help you decide if it's been long enough since any application of pesticides (if you have in the past) and which predator bugs to get if you want to get more than beneficial predator nematodes.

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