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Monstera adansonii / obliqua yellowing leaves

7 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've just read through a couple threads about monstera adansonii/obliqua problems, but i don't think my issue was addressed in them. I've got one that I've been nursing back to life for the past few years, after baking it between a window and curtain at the height of summer in Northern California a few days after I bought it. I love it so much, and have been hoping to find another to buy but have not managed to find one anywhere!

Anyway, it is no longer almost dead, but it has been struggling, growing slowly and, most worrisome, with its leaves yellowing consistently. I have reported it a couple times, about a year ago because it got root rot (I cut off the bad roots, rinsed them all, and reported in a new por with new soil), and nursed it back to life again. A couple months ago I repotted it again because the leaves were yellowing consistently, and I was afraid it had root rot again, or if not at least some new soil wouldn't hurt it. This time I didn't rinse the roots. Since then it seems okay except that the leaves just keep turning yellow and drying out. It's the oldest leaves that turn, and they start by getting yellow on the edges and just dry inward from there.

From what I read in the other threads, I am wondering if it needs more light (it's been in a part of the house that I think of as sort of bright, but we keep dark in the summer because of the heat, and even now it gets only very indirect light), or more moisture (because of my previous root rot problem I have been weary of overwatering and so water about once every week and a half or two, plus i live in a dry environment so there's no humidity in te air to speak of), or needs more fertilizer.

In the past couple months since the most recent reporting, I have been giving it fertilizer once per month, with miracle grow.

I just moved it es it to an area with more light, but my house is low on bright spaces without direct light, so I am a little worried about it getting scorched. I also just put a pebble tray underneath it, in case humidity was the problem.

Anyone have other advice for me?

Thanks so much!


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