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Cats galore!

7 years ago

Monarch cats, that is. I was bemoaning having none, then they started hatching and I had more than a dozen! I had enough milkweed this year so that everyone could have his own plant, so they are munching happily away. Some have grown up and gone on to pupate, I suppose. I can never find the cocoons, but I've seen one go all the way across the courtyard to pupate on the giant elephant ear, so I know they are around somewhere.

I have about 7 now, and if anymore hatch, I shall have to cull them -- which is sad, but better than letting them starve to death. Next year, I shall have more and more milkweed for them, after I chop down the leafless stems and root them to plant out next spring, and I also have plenty of seeds, so I shall have loads next year!

Now to get a passionvine for the gulf frits and plant out the cassia for the sulfurs.

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