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Frosting to hold a gingerbread house together?

I bought a kit that comes with the panels, but no frosting / icing. My daughter and I took a class once, that made everything from scratch: and we found the Royal Icing version very hard to handle. It did not hold the pieces together well at all. Plus, we didn’t care for the taste.

So is there an alternative to Royal Icing?

At Joann’s the other day I bought a bottle of Wilton Cookie Icing. That’s meant for decorating the tops of cookies, so I don’t know if it has the, er, tensile strength for house construction??? Ingredients are confectioner’s sugar, sugar, water, corn syrup, palm oil, ( then other things that I would rather not think about). It is supposed to be zapped in the microwave, then the bottle kneaded before use.

I figured I would use this for decoration, if it is not strong enough for construction adhesive. I want to put the house together at least a day before my daughter arrives on Christmas Eve, so she can focus on what will be fun for her, decoration, vs. assembly.


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