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5:1:1 mix and Pine bark question. Again.

Another pine bark question. If only Tapla got a cent every time Pine Bark size question came up.

I followed the link where Tapla has detailed the 5 1 1 mix.

This part is where I want some clarification:

"The 5:1:1 mix:

5 parts pine bark fines, dust - 3/8 (size is important
1 part sphagnum peat ......"

I shifted the Pink Bark into three sizes.

This is 0.492 inches and more. Not going in mix since Tapla says 3/8 or 0.375 inches.

This is 0.492 - 0.256 inches. Definitely going into the mix.

This is the leftover. It is less than 0.256 inches. As per the instructions it is "dust - 3/8". So does it go in too? Asking since it is rather fine and just wanted to make sure.

Also what is "sphagnum peat"? Here in Australia we get sphagnum moss. Will this do?

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