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Ranges: you can get any color you like… as long as its stainless

I had read articles claiming that other options besides stainless were coming into vogue. But that is not borne out by our trips to the appliance stores today.

Stainless steel just does not go with our kitchen in warm woods and tomato colored granite. We bought black last time. Now, even going to the largest premier store in our area, ABT, a place large enough to probably have its own zip code, there is only ONE model offered in black. (Henry Ford, where are you???)

Our parameters narrow our choices: but they are what they are.


Free standing

30” wide

Double oven

( I realize that the width alone puts us in a completely different category than many of you here, who are gutting and starting over. But I would have to sacrifice counters and cabinets, and 10 years after my remodel, I don’t want to. I like my kitchen. I just need a new stove.)

I don’t even want to get started on the other features we’ll never use: why does everything have to have a griddle now? We are 2 people, we don’t need to make 6 grilled cheese sandwiches. We don’t eat pancakes or French toast. I don’t have enough of an exhaust system to actually grill anything, just a microwave fan. Bacon? Sure…what a cleanup mess that would make, with the whole stovetop spattered. Steak? I make it in a pan, with sides, so I can use a spatter shield on it when I sear it. And a fair amount of grease still gets through. Anything that I could see putting on there would have a spatter factor. Stir-fry? Ditto.

Am I missing something? Does a griddle not spatter? Is it useable for something I have not yet thought of?

But still: only ONE choice?! It widens to 2 if we can choose “black stainless steel”. That was the stove that has more of the features we liked. But they did not have a model in it to show us, so we could get some idea if it will go; just that it is available to order in an upgrade (grumble, grumble)

Does anyone have this finish, and can speak to its real color, wear and ease of cleaning? Thanks.

I am experiencing something odd with Houzz: it seems like I can originate a post, but not comment on any, including my own. I can type something into the comment box, but there is no "post" button, so it can't go anywhere.

So, I thank you for your replies in advance.

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