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What are the effects of pruning and/or repotting on blooming?

Hi, all!

I've searched everywhere but haven't been able to come up with a response to the above.

What I'm specifically wanting to understand is:

1. How many months after pruning can I expect blooming to take place on new branches of what previously was a prolific bloomer? Does it take a specific amount of time for auxin to build up sufficiently to trigger blooming at those new terminal points? I understand it will vary from region to region / practice to practice but what has been your specific experience?

2. Does repotting significantly retard or halt the triggering of budding? If so, how long after repotting can one expect to begin to see blooming again? In your personal experience, please.

3. Also, regarding water: Can regular watering sometimes prevent blooming in mature plants? I know that occasionally mimicking drought conditions, withholding water for a week or two, followed by a liquid bloom booster triggers blooming in most succulents.

Thank you so much in advance for your time and effort in answering this question for me. Much appreciated.

Maria Elena

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