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Blooming in October '16!

Cymbidium Golden Elf has finally decided to bloom for me! I've had it for a couple of years now. I've been enjoying its fragrance at a local conservatory so I'm thrilled I can finally enjoy the scent at home.

Still enjoying the scent from the blooms of Plumeria 'Gold Coast Peach'. You may have to wait for what seems forever for an inflorescence to finally start opening but when they do they keep pumping out blooms.
I've also been enjoying the light soapy like scent of Cestrum 'Orange Peel' on some nights. Small moths seem to also enjoy the light scent since they cover the bush at night (and the occasional hummingbird has enjoyed the blooms during the day).
Please share what fragrant plants are blooming for you. I love learning about new scented goodies. :)

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