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Changing American Diet

Annie Deighnaugh
7 years ago

(x-post at home decor convo)

I so enjoy all that I learn from reading the Nutrition Action Letter. They had a good article this month on how the US diet has changed. I think it lends some interesting insight into the obesity epidemic.

The data suggest that it isn't carbs vs.'s carbs + fats. And that makes sense as we seldom eat one without the other. Whether it's sweet like apple pie or salty like doritos, we usually enjoy them best together.

The era of low-fat diets would seem to have helped keep the calories from added fats from rising at the same pace as those from grains...though they still rose vs. 1970....but once fats became more acceptable, they shot up quickly to be on par with grains. The major increase in fats is in salad and cooking oils. In 1970 we consumed about 10 lbs per person and now it's about 35 lbs.

And for all the big push to eat more fruits and vegetables, from a calorie point of view, we've changed little. While in this chart, dairy looks little changed, the details reveal that we eat a lot more yogurt which was almost nothing in 1970 to about 10 lbs per person today. But the biggest gainer was cheese. We used to eat about 7 lbs per person in 1970, and today it's over 20 lbs. With all the accompanying saturated fats. The big loser in dairy is whole milk which went from 17 gallons per person down to about 3.

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