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Espalier rose on fence to deter squirrels + quiet neighbor yappy dogs

Hello rose experts! I am a dog lover. I am. Really. I used to volunteer at ARF and have 3 rescue dogs. I no longer volunteer because I keep taking them home. I digress.

My neighbor has 3 yappy little dogs. They aren't given much attention so they are pretty ill-behaved. They are constantly yapping. Snarling. Barking. Just making a ruckus. Squirrels running along our shared fence especially infuriate them.

I was thinking that if I planted a thorny rose along the fence that would climb and billow a bit over the fence in time, it might deter the squirrels from that particular area and the dogs might go somewhere else to yap instead of right next to my yard.

I was also thinking of trying espalier for the first time. I'm not too afraid of the thorns. That's what gloves and goggles are for. But I'm a total newbie when it comes to espalier. So what's your advice? Should I just get a climbing thorny rose and lightly train it up the fence? Should I take it a step further and try espalier? Or should I do something else entirely?

The main drawback I'm thinking about is that until the rose climbs high enough to billow over the fence a bit, the dogs are still probably going to hang out in that particular spot since it's a squirrel hang out. And I probably will find it annoying spending time over there to espalier if the dogs are always barking right next to me. Hmmm.

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