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Stacked FL Washer and Dryer - Can I Replace Just the Washer?

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

I have a 12-year-old Maytag front-load washer stacked with a matching dryer--the set came with the house. The washer is having problems, and it seems that repair costs on the washer will be high, and I never thought the washer was that great in the first place, that I am thinking I will replace it. However, the dryer works fine. I don't want to spend the money on a new dryer just because I have to replace the washer, plus it would be wasteful to replace a perfectly good dryer.

The washer is on the bottom of the stack. Can I replace it with another brand's washer, and still stack the older dryer above it? If so, what do I need to know or look for in the new washer in order to make sure they can fit together? Or are the sizes for stacked washer/dryers pretty much standard? TIA.

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