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Peace Lily, healthy new growth, yellowing leaves

Danielle Scullin
7 years ago

Hello everyone! I have a 9 -10 year old Peace Lily, which, up until recently has been growing quite well, with lovely green leaves and even the occasional flower! There seems to be nothing wrong with her growth - she puts out healthy green leaves at a rapid pace, just as normal.The problem is what happens once they reach their full size. First, the tips turn brown, then the leaf will go from mottled green and yellow, to full yellow and finally brown (if I don't trim the affected leaves off first).

What could be the problem? She was repotted to a larger pot about 3 months ago due to this problem (she was rootbound), going from the 5:1:1 mix to the gritty mix. At that point, the roots were plump and white and healthy, so I assume it wasn't caused by overwatering.

The problem remains. I currently have her sitting on a humidity tray (not touching the water), in a position where it receives bright, indirect light. I flush the pot at least every second watering and am fertilizing with 3:1:2 fertiliser at 1/4 strength every time I water (usually once a week), giving it a rest every 4th watering.

I'm starting to wonder if it could be chlorine in the water? I've been using tap water (which has chlorine added) and have read that could be a problem. Currently, I'm experimenting with watering techniques - waiting til the tips of her leaves 'just' start to droop, taking note of that and watering the day before. Just to make sure overwatering isn't the problem. If that doesn't solve the issue, I'm going to try switching to rain/tank water and see if that has any effect.

AAARGH!! HELP!! It's driving me bonkers seeing lovely, GREEN, new growth - only for it to turn yellow and die!

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