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Pinus sylvestris "gold medal" and open, NW exposure

I have a Pinus sylvestris gold medal from Song Sparrow I planted five years ago as a stick in a mixed shrub border. It has done really well and taken off. I put a fence up (the black wrought-iron looking one that lets in light) in the middle of this shrub border and in about 2 years or so the tree is going to be cramped both by the fence and the surrounding shrubs and needs to be moved.

I have space about 10 feet behind the fence/shrub border between two ailing crab-apples. My plan is to cut the crab apples down as the surrounding shrubs get to the + 4 foot mark which will be soon. Don't worry about shade, the crab apples have no leaves for 9-10 months of the year and once June rolls around they are pretty much toast. (They have scab, or some other fungal infection- I've sprayed, I hate them). They are not mine, they are the HOA (my property is adjacent to neighborhood public space). Over the years I have been planting shrubs along a ~ 150 foot border and really like the look. The PS "Gold Medal" is among the shrubs and I get pretty decent winter color in the East-facing position. I have a new border in the front that I am installing along the NW portion of the lot and currently have been planting mixed conifers in that open, full sun location. (Picea pungens, P. omorika 'Nana', Picea abies, Picea glauca, and Picea cembra....all doing well. It's a big lot, around 240 feet from the NW to the NE corner. But all them are green, blue, silver. I think the PS "Gold Coin" would really stand out along with something red like Ilex Winterholly or Berberis.

My question, is how adaptable to open, exposed areas are Pinus sylvestris yellow cultivars. We have winter wind from the NW and it has burned some of the new conifers over the years but all the listed conifers recovered and it really only happened once. I don't want them to needle scorch, but I think they would look really nice between the Picea omorika Nana and one of the Picea pungens. Suggestions?

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