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More thoughts on Worm Factory 360

8 years ago

When I first purchased mine 3-4 yrs ago there was an option for extra bedding or an extra tray and I took the latter. That gave me 5 trays, but for the most part I just used 3 trays in the rotation and used a 4 th tray with just shredded paper as a blocker for fruit flies. I recently switched and decided to use all 5 trays in the rotation. Since worms police themselves as far as reproduction goes they should now expand having much more room to do so. Im also guessing that I will be able to harvest more trays quicker because of the expansion. It may take 6months before I notice that much of a change but currently there are worms in all 5 trays and it will be up to me to keep them fed and happy. In my opinion for anyone who is serious about getting started and producing a decent amount of vermicompost the worm factory 360 is the way to go. The 360 has the "worm ladder" which is made in such a way that allows worms to easily get back into the above tray. When I check the drainage tray I will see a few worms there but not many and unless Im ready to harvest I dont bother the worms there. I will mention here that I keep mine inside as I have a 6' square walk-in closet which works well for me. This works well for me as I dont want a slowdown I want the worms to keep working 24/7. My intentions are to use the vermicompost in spring planting. I have also used homemade bins side by side with the 360 but have had some problems with the homemade one that I dont have with the 360. Never seem to have a problem with the 360. The only problem if you wish to call it that is when you first order your worms and settling them in , but the system does come with a very nice booklet guide which gives all kinds of info on how to proceed. Some people complain about the drainage in the bottom bin somthing which I have never had to deal with, but there is a relief valve made into the system for that purpose.

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