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The Soil Is Hot and Dry

If you look at this soil moisture map, you can quickly discern where the soil is in good shape and where it is in poor shape, in terms of moisture available to the plant roots.

This is the Plant Available Water Map. If your number on this map is less than 0.50, your plants are experiencing water stress:

Four Inch Plant Available Water Map

The above map updates daily, so when you get rain, you have to wait until the following day to see how it affected your Plant Available Water.

Then, there's the soil temperature maps. I'm going to link the 3-day average map. My soil temperature is off the charts at 97 degrees. That is without mulch. With a thick layer of mulch, soil temperatures can be at least 20 degrees cooler underneath the mulch than bare ground.

Four Inch Bare Soil Temperature Map

I am grateful we had a very rainy April and May because the moisture from that rainy period has helped keep us from being in even worse shape than we're in now!

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