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Spindly, Washed Out Portulaca

18 years ago

This year I tried growing Portulaca for the first time, and I couldn't seem to get it right. Hearing that they thrive in poor, well-drained soil with hot, dry conditions, I put some out front in a bed that gets full sun. But it almost seemed to be too much heat/sun -- they got long and lanky, then dried up. They kept hanging in there and putting out new flowers until the very end, but they looked horrible. I had some Lantana nearby that did absolutely great...the only other thing I could think of was that the soil didn't drain well enough and the roots rotted? The bed is slightly raised soil with a couple inches of cedar chips/mulch on top.

I have some more Portulaca in a hanging basket out on my patio, and while they are doing okay, they're also rather spindly and washed out looking. What is the secret to getting thick, thriving, green growth? More or less sun/water? More fertilizer? Do they need to be continuously cut back? Or are they just supposed to get lanky looking?

I know it's the end of the season now, but I'm hoping to have better luck in the spring.

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