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Is aerating and overseeding my Kt. Bluegrass lawn a waste of time?

I hear a lot of conflicting information about aerating and overseeding bluegrass lawns. I'm not sure I should bother this fall. (I own an aerator but I've never used it before.)

My lawn is looking okay this year, no real problems, but it could be thicker and more lush.

Some say it's a waste of time and money to aerate and overseed it. The reasoning there is that it grows via rhizome and hence spaces itself, unlike other grasses. Since the rhizome spreads and that's where the grass sprouts, the same argument has been made for overseeding - that it is a waste of time.

I am sure lawn care companies would be only too delighted to aerate my lawn for me and charge me an arm and a leg for an overseed. And since I'm an industrious girl I'm sure I could get out there and do it myself. But would it make a difference? Would I be better off with a sack of milorganite and a drop spreader to thicken it up a bit?

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