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He Dwells In CA and Eats My Figs! ID Pic of Footprint Please.

Here we go again, but this time I have proof!

I checked my two ripest bagged figs. Decided they could go another
day. I won't do that again. Lesson learned. If they "seem" ripe, pick em! This morning, the ripest is gone! The other one won't come off
the tree, but has tooth marks in it THROUGH the bag!

I noticed
the bagged and half eaten fig lying on the sidewalk. The critter left a
footprint. Is it a coon, a possum, or a rat? That fig is a pretty big
fig. It's about 2" across, so comparatively, what do you think we are
dealing with?

How do I make sure it stays away? No pets here, fully fenced property. Neighbors keep pets in due to rampant packs of coyotes.


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