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Survey for Fun! What's YOUR Answer?


(Just for

When protecting your plants, who is your worst enemy?

  1. Squirrels/Birds/Rabbits
  2. Insects-grasshoppers, slugs, etc.
  3. Spouse/Significant Other
  4. Pet
  5. Neighbor Kids

Where do you look for new plants and flowers?

  1. Ditches
  2. Movie scenes
  3. Websites
  4. Retail Stores
  5. Homes of Relatives
  6. Abandoned Farmsteads
  7. All of the Above

If you could shut down a government program and use the
funds for a plant project, what plant project would you choose?

  1. Flowers along Freeways
  2. Natives for Knuckleheads (complete with
    educational programming)
  3. SHGar pronounced sugar (Sustainable Heirloom
    Gardening) in city terraces, small
    towns, suburbs, empty lots
  4. Public School Gardens
  5. National Parks
  6. Other (please explain)

What has surprised you most about Gardening?

  1. It’s fun to get dirty.
  2. When you’re addicted to gardening 3 to 5 years
    doesn’t seem that long so planting seeds no problem and so worth it.
  3. My Significant Other wanted to help—in limited
  4. All the plants that are edible
  5. All the weeds that aren’t necessarily bad
  6. Retail stores only sell one one/millionth of the
    varieties they COULD sell
  7. The postal worker is a double agent
  8. Seed catalogs are worse than any of the 7 Deadly
  9. I laughed when they told me about Wintersowing
    and now I’m recruiting people to do it.

Favorite Plant:

Favorite Swap or Swap Group:

Favorite “Natural” gardening trick/advice:

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