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Do I have compost, or a big pile of junk?

Our city delivers free mulch to anyone who wants it. This mulch is a "no guarantees" wood chip made from whatever is left the side of various properties once a month as part of large brush pickup week. All such pickup is supposed to be wood, but the city acknowledges this can include weeds, grass clippings, invasives, pine needles, and all the rest. In any event, it is chipped rather finely and then delivered in a dump truck to any takers.

My husband liked the $0 price tag and ordered 8 cubic yards. We didn't have time to use it right away, and a major storm struck. The pile was soaked thoroughly and we left it there for about a week to dry. This weekend we started to dig into the pile.

The outside of the pile looked normal. Wood chips, and small bits of green stuff. The center was a different story. We were stunned to observe it so burning hot in the middle that the pile was literally smoking. In fact the mixture a foot or so in was no longer discernibly wood. It was black and crumbly. It smelled and looked suspiciously like dirt. I was irresistibly reminded of hot composting.

Should I still use this as mulch? We are putting down cardboard to smother weeds and layering this stuff on top for aesthetic purposes. At least that was our original plan. I'm nervous about using it as compost for fear that weed seeds will be active in there. Can they be? Is it perhaps too early in the season? What would you do with it?

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