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Taming the jungle - need advice re: tree and brush removal

Looks like we're getting the house (with the pond), the only thing standing in the way is well and septic inspection, if that's clear we're good to go.

Anyway, when I was at the house inspection I had a lot of time to look around outside. What a mess! The pond is an easily fixable issue and shouldn't cost much, just have to learn how to care for it. The lot itself is full of trees and is super-shady. It's not a wooded lot; rather, it seems like purposefully planted trees, but over-planted (there's paths and shrub/perennial plantings between the trees, which is why I say that, and those are kind of a mess too).

So, DH *hates* this, and I don't like it either. I want to open it up a lot and get more sunlight and just clean up the mess - a lot of the trees are scrubby, just messy vegetation.

What am I looking at cost-wise? I'd say there's about 3/4 acre in the back (house sits mid-way on the property - the front is fine, it's the back that's a mess). I wouldn't want to remove everything, but probably a fair portion of it. Would just removing the trees be ok or do all the stumps need to be ground, too? DH and I can remove the over-planted shrubbery and vegetation, it's the mature trees that we would need to hire out. Any advice welcome. Never had to do this before, it's all a new process to me.

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