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Help with potting up/repotting my plants in bigger/same sized pots

Kevin Q
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago


after reading through lots and lots of information mostly by Al (thank you so much btw) on this forum I'm ready to repot/pot up my houseplants, all of which were bought this year. I'm going to use this mix and mix it with a third (?) of coir for water retention. Probably not the most ideal soil but I my plants must survive at least a week without watering.

All plants from the nursery are in coir which means I have to remove all soil from the roots before replanting them in my own mix, right?

This is an IKEA Ficus Benjamina Natasja. My plan: remove all soil root prune a third, replant in the same pot. I don't want to put it in a bigger pot. I have also read that keeping the individual stems together with a wire is bad for the plant, is that true?

IKEA Peace Lily, also root prune and repot in same pot? I'd like it to stay small as well. Should I remove the thicker roots?

Fiddle Leaf Fig, dwarf variety. This I want to get big so I plan to root prune and put it in a bigger pot. Since the root mass is really small how much should I prune?

This is a arrowhead something something, it will trail when it matures. This one is a little more root bound. Root prune a third and plant it in a bigger pot?

Ok, I admit I've made a huge mistake with this one. The container is huge and I used regular garden soil with high peat content and planted three philodendrons in it. It hold sooo much water and didn't need water for a month and it is still moist. Also there are small bugs. Definitely not good for the plant. What do I do? Try to get the plants out, remove all the soil and replant them? Or leave them be, at least they are growing and nothing has died yet.

Turtle vine. Root prune and bigger pot?

Oxalis something? I have no idea how to repot this since every one has its own tuber (?).

Also I ordered a rubber tree and a sansevieria online, same procedure (root prune, bigger pot) there? I've heard that the mother in law's tongue likes smaller and shallow pots.

Oh, and how do I remove the soil without damaging the smaller roots?

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment on any of my possibly terrible plans.

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