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Need Garden (Zone 5) Help/Suggestions

7 years ago

OK, I am very slowly starting to get the hang of this gardening thing. I live in Zone 5 - southern NH. I'm linking to a folder of my garden areas here: Momnipotent's Gardens

The Concrete Garden gets almost no sun (or indirect sun) and the Circle Garden gets part-sun/part-shade (what is the difference?) with the left-hand side getting less sun than the right-hand side - both are located in the northwest-facing front of the house.

The Back Garden is southeast facing.

Concrete Garden: I have hosta (?) lining this shady little strip along the walkway to the front door. Recently, I added more compost and mulch and also planted some basic impatiens. There's isn't room for much else, but given its location, can you suggest any other plants (annuals or easy-care perennials) that could give it more texture?

Circle Garden: on the left-hand side I put mostly hosta and recently I added some coleus, impatiens and alyssum. There is a rose bush in this half of the the garden that does ok every year with not as much as sun as I think it might like. There is another rose bush in the right half of the garden that is struggling to make it and it does every year! I recently moved this latter rose bush about a foot so I don't know how well it will do this summer. Anyway, again, need some suggestions on what else I can add to this garden to give it more texture. Some of the plants, esp. the Siberian irises and Japanese irises (I think that's what those are) are there temporarily while my workplace figures out what its garden plans are (so here for at least a year). The much smaller hosta (4 of them) in the left-hand side are also there temporarily.

Back Garden: this is a newer garden that I dug last year. southeast-facing. The trellis and clematis are on loan from my workplace again. The irises/daylilies on the far right are also temporary. The rugosa rose in the front (which looks dead, but I think is gasping for air) is too. The rest are all mine - the peonies (don't know if you can tell, but I finally have 1 flower about to bloom after a few years! Yay!). I just added more soil and mulch. The phlox (can you see any?), foxglove (I think), coreopsis, lavender are all mine.

So, if you have any suggestions re: annuals or even easy-care perennials to give this garden a more lush feel, I would really appreciate it.

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