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Interesting plants in my garden today

wantonamara Z8 CenTex
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I have a cold and I am hacking and coughing and pickaxing away planting a bunch of Mexican Buckeye starts. So I am still not submitting to this cold. I might pay for it but things are just toooooo pretty out there.

This Mexican Frost Plant ( Verbiscina olsenii) is a foliage plant with a capital "F". It is like our frost plant but on an illegal dose of steroids. I was talking on the phone about the kissing bug I had just mailed off to the health department and looked up to this display of light. It caused me to stutter and loose my train of thought.

I just love the structure in all the stem fins and veins. There is often something anthropomorphic about the glee this plant exudes, waving his arms in exultation.

If I back up, he is a monster. He is in his second year. I hope I do not live to regret planting him.

This Stipa barbata loves the wind. I did successfully germinate some of the huge seeds this spring..

As I was walking, pickaxing,coughing, planting baby trees, I did discover a vulonteer milkweed vine

and a wild sacrophytic (sp?) orchid , Hexalectis spicata (I think) just breaking ground. They seem to like these wet springs.

There are many other plants that are of interest but these are what stopped me in my tracks today.

oops I just went back out and was stopped by a few mor performers in the gathering dust of a thunderhead moving in. I ran to water the garden and grab the camera

I think this is a Bilbergia windii (sp?) from the swap from Bluegill... THANK YOUY THANK YOU . I had this one and froze it in the BIG FREEZE before the BIG DROUGHT and have been looking for it ever since. there are 5 more blooms coming out deep down in the rosettes.. This is only the first one.

I think this next one was either from Patty or Tally ho. It has been awhile and this is its very FIRST BLOOM ever.

Things are positively tropical out there.

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