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OK Rose gardeners, show your permadirt!

Hi folks

Among other things, I teach a Pilates class once a week, which is usually done barefooted. Last week, I was demonstrating a move for the class and all the folks in front of me gasped. For a minute I thought they were marveling at my terrific flexibility (honed by hours bending to deadhead roses at every angle of course), but then I realized what it was. They were shocked at my rose gardener feet, clearly too scary for words (not the smell, mind you, the look...)

Now of course, this shot was taken after a shower or two, so it's not straight out of the garden. Still, after planting a grand total of 409 roses this spring, I got more than a little deeply embedded dirt ground into the creases of my feet through my garden clogs. I feel like the old Whisk commercial - I can scrub them, soak them, and still I get "Ring around the Permadirt"! Nothing but swimming a few miles in the pool will really chip away at this level of permadirt.

C'mon, I'm sure I'm not alone! Show us your worst - no fair taking photos before you scrub up though. I'm pretty sure many of us look a walking compost pile after a full day in the garden (at least I hope it's not just me). Prizes or at least gloating rights await the shot with the greatest amount of permadirted skin (smile).


P.S. My daughter thought I was really odd for asking her to take this picture, but she's a teenager and your parents are always odd at this age. However, she couldn't get her head around that other mostly sane people would actually want to see this...hated to tell her that rose people might not fit in that category, but knowing me I think she's figured that out.

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